[vc_row border_style=”solid” el_class=”layerslider-row”][rev_slider_vc alias=”header_4″][vc_row tablet_fullwidth_cols=”yes” center_row=”yes” el_id=”home-content”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vcex_icon_box heading=”Welcome to DVH” icon=”star” url_rel=”nofollow” icon_color=”#cc9933″ icon_size=”24px” heading_size=”16px” url=”https://dvh.law.za/?page_id=4554″]The DVH group is a national group of young dynamic attorney practices with offices situated in the Western Cape, Gauteng and Kwa Zulu Natal. Each company has its own directors and is BEE compliant. We are conveyancing attorneys specialising in, property law, transfers,bond registration and legal training.[/vcex_icon_box][vc_column width=”1/2″][vcex_icon_box heading=”Services we offer” icon=”bank” url_target=”_blank” url_rel=”nofollow” icon_color=”#cc9933″ icon_size=”24px” heading_size=”16px”]The DVH group specialises in conveyancing and all other aspects of Property Law. Over the years, the directors have built up vast experience in the field of Property Law enabling the DVH group to assist clients and developers with the structuring of their transactions.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_testimonials_slider animation_speed=”600″ slideshow_speed=”5000″ direction_nav=”true” count=”18″][vcex_heading text=”DvH Transfer process” style=”bottom-border-w-color” text_align=”center”][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/295388670″ el_width=”60″ align=”center”]